Ron: I value a good education, so I don't want to see Andy waste his time in college. Of all my co-workers, he's one of a small number whom I don't actively root against. Ah, there I go getting all sappy.
Chris: Now how big is the park, exactly?
Leslie: It is .000003 square miles.

Leslie: As a mature, reasonable adult I understand that this will be the last project Ben and I will be working on together. So, please join us the grand opening of Pawnee's smallest park on November 12th, 2070.

Andy: If you re-arrange the letters of Peru, you get Europe.
Ben: I don't think that's true. 
Leslie: Well, math is hard.
Ron: My first day of college my father dropped me off at the steel mill. He didn't think I should go to college, but I hitched a ride, enrolled, and learned a lot.

Andy: I definitely have more lions than any other country in the world.

Leslie: I once hosted a forum about a new bike rack that lasted seven hours. Now, when I need these people to complain they're done in 45 minutes?

Andy: One of the most significant bummers of my lifetime.

Andy: No thinking just stupid!